Expansion Joints for high temperature ducts Thomson Process Equipment and Engineering Ltd Ireland

Bespoke High Temperature Fabric Expansion Joints

Thomson Process make bespoke, made-to-order Fabric Expansion Joints & Compensators for many of Ireland’s top industrial manufacturers and power plants.

Our Expansion Joints have been patented since 1997 and we have been serving Irish Industry with Fabric Compensators since.

Thomson Process are usually known as pump specialists, however, our company have another specialty that until recently we have been working on for only a select number of clients. We make fabric expansion joints & compensators for high-temperature operation to a patented and long-trusted design and work with many of Ireland’s power generation and industrial plants which use high temperatures in their process.

Expansion Joints are known by a few other names, you may call them compensators, duct connectors, or high-temperature fabric compensators among others, but no matter what the name, they do the same task in high-temperature processes – they allow the structural steelwork and ducts to expand and contract without strain.

Thomson Process are specialists in the manipulation of fabrics and Multi-Layer Seal joints can be made to almost any configuration, for example, square, circular, rectangular, right angle flanged and tapered (to fit two different sized ducts).

We use several different construction specifications depending on the temperature and hostility of the gases and vapours.

As each joint is made to fit, we can provide an immediate response for any emergency encountered by our customers.

Contact us on 012750801 to talk to us about your plant expansion joint needs in time for shut-down this winter. Or email alangreen@thomsonprocess.ie 

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Thomson Process